Is it bad to master bate (im a 13 year old girl)? - bate girl
I wonder the same thing the other day (I'm 13).
But do not worry, it's perfectly normal and is not a sin or not the same. It is simply his way of "encouraging" sexually and know what you want when your age. (the others are worse, they have is sex with other men, and as you become pregnant, 14 years old).
Of course, if the only thing to do and think about all day, then something is wrong. As if it the whole day eating, watching television or sleeping.
In all cases, keep in mind is a private activity and ensure that nobody enters into this.
when and how you want in the back in his bed in the shower!
I think it is very hot when girls do, is back!
It is a sin is sin, have one child @ 14. It is good, of course, and a fine. It's wonderful!
quite normal to do so! Do not listen to people when they say their wrong. Umm what is worse, it is to do yourself? or they have them for you and then get pregnant? hmmmmm id go with you. expecially at 13
Normal, natural and safe. While it is convenient for you, then you are not hurt. Be sure that the door be kept closed (closed when you) can save you and the members of his family in a predicament. And the time spent at rest after. Enjoy.
No, there is nothing wrong, in fact, healthy! It relieves sexual tension, and it is certainly better than sex at your age.
Just do not hurt you and not to give up too much time with him and all other activities, is not it? I'm not sure if ... So enjoy!
three words:
Extensible shower head
Do not listen to all catholic14. You still a virgin because virginity is emotional. Some people regard as not only a virgin if you have sex with another person. It depends on your point of view ..
Of course, its ..... DONT quite normal to hear these women tell her ..... bad for your age, it would be better then sex masterbate w / the whole world ..... its quite normal .. ...
Of course it is not bad. My God, some women are SOOO firm.
No, you know the statistics say that 80% maturbate of women, or 90% of men masturbate, are or were
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